Shares from a Winter’s Solitude: Energy Exchange Beyond the Mind
February 22nd, Black Mountain, My Journal
I am seeing the limitation in words and also the strong inclination to default to use them when I yearn for energetic connection. Getting into the body can feel “boring” at first relative to the dynamism of the mind. Words are like this, too. Juicy. Instantly (even if not deeply) gratifying. What may it look like to honor the call of being in another’s energy without words as the default? Can we settle into enough slowness to find the sweetness waiting?
This is no vendetta against words. It’s that words are the language of the mind at a time when I am trying to bring in the other parts of me. Linear. Chronological. Left to right. Beginning to end. Connecting the dots. A wonderful tool to share the energies of the mind. And yes, sometimes words carry an energy far beneath the level of the mind. It is not their syntax that ends up awakening something deep within us. It is their intention, carried as an imprint onto our deepest knowings.
And, it is my belief that we can tap directly into that deeper energy by using different “forms” of exchange like prolonged quiet or eye gazing. And there, we can feel the energy compared to hearing it or speaking it. I sense it’s the same with Nature. There lives many forms of connection to be had beyond “understanding” or “analyzing”–both languages of the mind. If I stay in these forms of my mind, I will so much of what’s waiting to be experienced.
When I watched that river yesterday, no thing was computing in my head. I’m not even sure if I saw a rock as a rock or sun as sun. It was simply magnificent refractions of light shining into my eyes and touching my somewhere deeply. None of it “made sense,” and it didn’t need to. It gave me something significant in the moment. Some exchange I needed. And it may be an experience I will never understand nor words would convey.
I hope to be with people like this. And have fun practicing the muscle of communication with our intuitions, our hearts, and in the space between words. The muscle of verbal communication has grown strong, raised is a Western world where everything is seen as being able to be understood and explained.