The Cherry Tree’s early spring blossoms (with the bird feeder faded in the background)

Shares from a Spring’s Emergence: A Poem

Thomas Doochin
1 min readMay 1, 2021


April 3rd, Black Mountain, My Journal

Last summer, the Cherry Tree fruited for the first time in ages (we were told). Lush, plump, dark, and sweet cherries. It was like nothing I’d felt before. Simply Delight.

Early this spring, the birds had a meeting and agreed this land would be their playground for the season. Birds of every color zipping in every direction. Every time of day. Their morning songs wake me from my slumber. Simply Delight.

So, being the human I am, I wanted to say thank you by bridging these two delights. I hung a bird feeder from the Cherry Tree with the hope that by fruiting season, these branches would be the birds’ most trusted ally.

Then, they’ll find the perfect dessert to top off their sunflower-seed-dinner while helping the Cherry Tree spread its Life.

This may very well be one of those instances of a human meaning well and interfering with Nature’s way. But, I tell you, it sure feels sweet to think I am a part of this.



Thomas Doochin
Thomas Doochin

Written by Thomas Doochin

Slowly listening for why my ancestors put me here

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